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Friday, 28 August 2009

Yoga: Sports soul and body in the world's oldest

Yoga is a comprehensive health system that is formed from ancient Indian culture since 3000 years BC. Yoga means union with God. In essence, through Yoga, one will know better about the body, mind, and soul. The more he knows all aspects of himself, so also is the closer to god.

Diibaratka is a vehicle body and the mind is the driver. When driving the body, mind emotions olh affected. Yoga in the third it is kept in balance.
Yoga is "the living science" because almost all aspects of the world can be connected with it. Despite thousands of years old is still a lot of yoga enthusiasts around the world.

There are 9 forms of the flow of Yoga:
1. Jnana Yoga (knowledge)
2. Karma yoga (community service)
3. Bhakti Yoga (devotion to god)
4. Yantra Yoga (vision)
5. Mantra Yoga (voice and sound)
6. Tantra Yoga (energy generation)
7. Kundalini Yoga (kundalini energy generation)
8. Hatha Yoga (body mastery and breath)
9. Raja Yoga (control of mind and reason)

In addition there are 4 streams of Yoga is considered the greatest because it has universal values:
1. Jnana Yoga
2. Karma Yoga
3. Bhakti Yoga
4. Raja Yoga

According to Yoga experts, the best is Hatha Yoga with Yoga 4 streams above.

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