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Saturday, 29 August 2009

saturation point of the earth

like an inflated balloon continuously without stopping, the earth are now at the culmination of our capacity as human beings play an important role in maintaining a state of the earth.

Earth is now experiencing a crisis as well as 4 types, namely: food, oil, funansial, and the environment. four crisis brings complexity problem that requires a key 1, the human consciousness.

environmental crises arise because people will demand human resources and the environment excessive. we are cutting trees faster than the growth time. in a densely populated area, various types of waste disposed of in large quantities. air and water pollution, deadly flora and fauna, and endanger human health itself.

As in the story "City of Ember" which tells when the earth was no longer worthy to live. scientists to design an underground city for human survival.

if man was accused and responsible for what has been done. then the target needs to be done is to change human consciousness itself will be the environmental conditions. not through technology or research.

we only stayed the choice, stay underground like the story "city of the bucket" or trying to change patterns of thinking.

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